Value Of Different

I just wanna share about The Story Of 3 Cans Of Coke.

Once there are three cans of coke. These three cans were produced in the same plant in an area of ​​East Java. 
When it arrived the day for distribution, a truck came to the mill, carrying cans of these coke and go to different places for sale.

- The first stop is a local Mini Market. The first cans down here. Then, on the shelves along with other soft drink cans. He was given a price of Rp. 4.000

- The second stop is a large Shopping Center. There, second cans down. Cans are placed in the refrigerator to cool and then sell for Rp. 7.500

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Your Next Startup Ideas

Mau sedikit share nih Sobat. Dengan gegap gempita startup di ranah dalam negeri, di antara kita mungkin sudah kehabisan ide tentang produk yang ingin dibangun.
Mungkin karena idenya belum matang atau sudah didahului orang. Bagi yang sedang mencari ide produk baru, dibawah ini saya coba identifikasi beberapa cara mendapatkannya.

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Morning Chatter

O Sun,
Thank you still shines this morning.

I thought of the past
When grief is always enveloped my mind
My life, my steps.

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